Wild in the Country

It's just the rain. I--
I haven't been able to sleep.
Any of these any good?
Gideon Bible.
It's always good.

Try Genesis,
seventh chapter.

What's that?
"And it came to pass
after seven days...

the waters of the food
were upon the earth."

Well, maybe we should
build ourselves an ark.

You go on.
I'll wait for you here.

Don't wor, Mrs. Smith, they know me
here. Evething with a kiss.

Oh, well, Mr. Smith.
It's nice to see you again.

- Got a room?
- Yes, sir.

Hey, now.
I see you got a couple other customers
tonight, huh? [ Chuckles ]

Yes, we have. Number 1 1 .
Your old room, for luck.
- [ Laughing ]
- What's so funny?

It's a small world,
yes, indeed.

A very small world.
I'll borrow this, if I may.
