Wild in the Country

- I want to mar you. Are you worried
what people will say?
- It's more important than that.

- I don't care what people say.
- Glenn, listen, please. Sit down.

All right. I'll listen.
Y-You're at the start
of what could be a brilliant career.

You mustn't get tied down.
You've got to have your hands
free and your mind free and,
above all, your emotions free.

- What's that got to do with us?
- You're simply not ready
for a marriage, Glenn.

This is all about me.
What about you, Irene?

It-It wouldn't work
for me either.

For once,
what about your life?

I love you.
I got the idea that you love me too.

Can we talk about that?
All right.
Let's talk about that.

I know a lot about love.
I married for love.

And you know how it ended?
It ended by my husband
getting in the car one rainy night...

and going out and hitting
a curve at 90 miles an hour.

- And you know what killed him? Love.
- I don't understand.

- And you know what killed him? Love.
- I don't understand.

- A marriage he wasn't ready for.
- And you blame yourself?

Yes! I should have known
he couldn't car the responsibility.

Glenn, do you see I'm letting
the same thing happen all over again?

I wanted so much for you...
and now I've nearly ruined it because
I've let-- I've let my hopes for you...

get mixed up in something else
that doesn't belong-- something
that doesn't belong at all!

- It could belong, Irene,
if you let it. It could.
- Oh, Glenn, please!

Irene, are you telling me
you don't love me?
