"Any more" q"uestions"
of this witness?
-[ Attorney ] Was there any weapon used?
-[ Witness ] Might have been.
It was gettin' kinda dark.
I couldn't see.
Well, there was
no medical evidence of that.
Thank you. You can go.
[ Crowd Murmurs ]
Quiet, please. Quiet.
It's been suggested,
and she's agreed.
Will Mrs. Speery
come forward to testify?
[ Crowd Gasps, Exclaims ]
She's got a lot of nerve!
"We must have" q"uiet here!"
Raise your right hand. Do you
solemnly swear to tell the truth...
the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, so help you God?
- I do.
- State your name, please.
Irene Speery.
Mrs. Speery, we're simply
trying to determine if young Tyler--
if there are grounds
for a criminal prosecution here.
Well, that's good.
Kills a boy, and wonders
if there's grounds for prosecution.
- [ Crowd Laughs ]
- I wish to remind eveone here...
that this is an inquest
and not a murder trial!
[ Crowd Murmurs, Quiets ]
Now, Mrs. Speery...
- was Tyler present at your house
on Thursday night around 8:00?
- He was.
- [ Man ] What was he doin' there?
- Social work.
Phil Macy was present
at that time too, was he not?
- He was.
- Did Tyler at that time...
utter some kind of threat
against Mr. Macy's son?
- Well--
- What did he say?