I don't remember
the exact words, Dr. Cresten.
Was his remark
something along the line...
he would send young Macy home
in a box?
[ Crowd Murmurs ]
-Yes, Mrs. Speery?
-Mr. Tyler had eve reason to be ang.
As I'm sure you all know,
there was a slander being spread, a lie!
- It's true, wasn't it?
- You're denying it?
- Yes, a lie!
Glenn did nothing
to be ashamed of-- nothing!
If there's anyone to be blamed, it's me.
I lost sight of certain realities...
and I forgot my responsibilities!
Oh, Glenn, I'm sor.
I'm so sor.
Mrs. Speery,
this is off the point.
We're merely ting to determine
if there's been felony committed here.
What I'm ting to say is that
there was no felony committed.
Cliff Macy's death was an accident.
- [ All Murmur]
- Order! Order!
Glenn was ang over what had been said,
and he hit him.
He didn't intend to kill him. He had
no way of knowing Cliff had a bad heart.
- [ All Murmur ]
- A bad heart, Mrs. Speery?
Yes. Isn't that
in the autopsy report?
Well, there was postmortem evidence
that he'd suffered a coronary.
We assumed it was caused
by the blow.
- Are you saying the boy had
a chronic heart condition?
- Yes.
Well, if so, the family physician,
Dr. McLaws, knew nothing about it.
Well, ask his father, Mr. Macy.
He told me about
Cliff's heart weeks ago.