One man to be set free.
Set free?
You ought to know the custom
of the season.
The Governor offered them
either the prophet or you.
He listened to the voices
and they chose you.
I make no comment.
Come on. Get on the move.
All right.
Give us a hair of your beard.
It ought to be lucky,
considering how things have gone for you.
I'm not used to the light. It plays tricks.
If I was you, I shouldn't loiter.
I'd want to see the back of this place
before they change their minds.
Get on your way, will you?
-Who do you think you're shoving?
-Get going.
All right. I'm going.
Move on.
-There he is. Release the Nazarene!
-Get out of the way.
What are you standing for, like an idiot?
What are you all hanging around for?