
Now you know it's true.
All I know is the tomb is empty.
-Who moved the stone?
-God moved it.

God himself? You saw him do it?
A power came from the sky.
It was when the sun was rising,
at the beginning of the day.

-First there was the music of a horn.

Then in the air there was an angel.
The whole sky seemed to dismantle.
It was white, it was fire.
It was white fire.
He stretched out his arm.
It seemed as long as a spear.

The point of the spear
went between the stone and the rock...

...and the stone rolled away.
If only you had been here sooner
and seen what I saw.

My eyes are good.
They see nothing but real things.

You have to believe this, Barabbas.
The Master was a man of truth,
and he said this would be so.

Did you see a prophet come
out of the tomb?

My eyes were so dazzled.
