It's not my fault they let him get killed.
You can't hang it around my neck.
I've as much right to be alive
as any of you.
You stinking fish.
You're afraid to look at me
because I'm alive.
You, look at me. Look at me!
It may be today that the new world comes.
Today or tomorrow.
But it will come, you will see.
Every day you have promised us,
it has never come.
-It will never come.
-It will come. I know it.
Please, Rachel,
tell us again what it will be like.
You'd better mind what you say.
Don't you know what can happen to you
if they hear you?
Anybody now caught
spreading such stories...
...the Son of God, the Messiah and such,
is to be judged an enemy of the State...
...and stoned until he's dead.
It will be as though the Earth has become
like a star burned clean.
Everything evil swept away.
We shall look up and there will be angels
coming down from the sky...
...and they will put food in front of us
and perhaps new clothes to wear.
White, like their own.
Or some blue, like the colour of the sky.
Pain and sorrow will sink into the ground,
and everything will be made new...
...because the Son of God has risen
from the dead.
The world has become his kingdom.
There's no truth in any of it.
I know this woman.