Let him speak.
How else have you lived except my way?
Whoever's against us or gets in our way,
we get rid of.
My knife may have bitten a few throats,
but what about your weapons?
They've split thousands upon thousands.
If I've taken a passing woman to myself...
...your armies have looted and raped
across continents.
And have been called
the glory of the earth for doing it.
You were born according to the law
and raised according to the law.
I was born by a girl
thrown out of a brothel...
...who gave birth and cursed me
before she died.
But I tell you, we belong to the same herd.
Unfortunately for you, Barabbas,
the law is indispensable.
The law is the pass and permit
to life in this world.
You were without it.
However, the law here tells me...
...that a man released
by the will of the people at a holy festival...
...cannot thereafter
be given a capital punishment.
You can't kill me?
Easier on you if we could.
I sentence you to transportation for life,
whatever that's worth...
...to the sulphur mines
on the island of Sicily.
I can't...
...be killed.
He meant me to live.
Deliberately he did it.