Break it up!
Stroud! Stroud!
You ever mention
my mother again, I'll kill ya!
What's the matter, man?
What's eating you up inside, Bob?
You act as though you hate everyone.
You live in a pus-hole,
you act accordingly.
All right, Bob. Maybe 30 days in the hole'll
make you happy to see a face again.
Don't count on it... Harvey.
I don't think 30 days in the hole
is gonna cool that jaybird off, Warden.
Now, what do you suggest, Mr Kramer?
He's as mean as a boar hog.
If it was me, I'd keep him away from
the rest of the inmates permanently.
Isolation? No.
I don't give up on a man that easily.
Stroud comes from good stock.
He'll shape up.
He's a dingbat, Warden.
He's dangerous.
He's my responsibility, Mr Kramer.
Now, you let me worry
about his behaviour.
Yes, sir.