Birdman of Alcatraz

you got old followin' me from jail to jail.
It's time to douse the lights.
I told you before, Robbie,
I will not let them kill you.

I'm going to Washington DC very soon.
- I haven't begun to fight.
- Time's up.

You just don't know how to quit,
do you, Ma?

Did you think Mother was gonna
let them hurt my Robbie?

Carrying a petition for clemency,
Elizabeth Stroud doggedly haunted
the offices of Washington officials,

in an effort to gain an audience
with the president of the United States.

Finally, she managed to see
Senator Ham Lewis.

He reminded her
of the president's grave illness.

Grasping at straws,
she pleaded with the senator

to make an appointment for her
with the president's wife.

Reluctantly, he agreed.
Tell me, Mrs Stroud, why do you think
the president should intervene?

Mrs Wilson, the president is known
as the symbol of compassion

throughout the whole world.
I'm sure that deep in his heart
he doesn't believe in the brutality
of an eye for an eye.

I've never seen your husband,
but I've seen pictures of him.

He has the face of a man
who has known great suffering.

I think he'd understand what it means
to have the pack yapping at his heels.

Mrs Wilson, they've turned on
your husband in his fight for peace.
