- They've broken his heart.
- Mrs Stroud, please.
There's only one man left in the world
who can lend a helping hand to my son,
and that's the president.
Take the petition to him.
I assure you, I give you my solemn oath,
my son is a person of worth.
Save him.
Stroud! Listen!
Hey, do you hear that, you cons?
President Wilson commuted Stroud to life!
Well, I'll be damned. She pulled it off.
Been expecting you, Harvey.
I have a telegram here from Washington.
You probably know about it.
I've heard.
I think you will live to regret
that this wire ever came.
How come?
Because you're going to spend
the rest of your life in deep-lock.
- Who says so?
- The attorney general.