Pretty cute act you put on there.
Just amusing myself.
Still ignoring prison regulations,
aren't you?
I hear you're going to Washington to plan
a new Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Yes, I am.
Every pen run by the book, huh?
If you mean uniformity, you're right.
- Drop me a postcard, Harv.
- I plan to keep in touch.
- You did middlin', Runty. Middlin'.
- Middling?
He just saved your carcass, that's all.
Got the heart of an eagle.
When Younger allowed Stroud to keep
the sparrow, he opened the barn door.
Other inmates had relatives
send them canaries,
and the solitary block rang with song.
Then one prisoner became bored with his
two canaries, and gave them to Stroud.
That was a day penal authorities
will never forget.