Hey, Stroud. How come
the birds ain't singin'?
Because they're sick, and so's mine.
Hey, Stroud.
My bird's gonna kick off?
"Dreaded among breeders is a highly
contagious disease called septic fever."
"lts actual existence can only be surmised
by a postmortem by
a veterinary surgeon trained in..."
- Bob!
- Pipe down, Gomez.
"Death may be rapid or delayed."
"Faeces are abnormal
and always pale yellow in colour."
"There's no practical remedy."
I found Bacillus pasteurella
in great quantity.
I'd make an educated guess
that there's a filterable virus.
That it is septic fever?
Are there any chemicals
or medicines or anything?
I couldn't find any literature on
the disease. Apparently there isn't any.
So, without any specific drug, I'm afraid
there isn't much I can do to help.
Thanks, Doc. I appreciate what you done.