What do you see?
Oh. Nothing.
Nothing at all.
- I've practiced all afternoon and it's gotten
me in a mood.
- You need some fresh air.
I've got to make a call
out past the lake.
Would you like to
come along for the ride?
You know that old
pavilion out there?
- Mm-hmm.
- Will we pass it?
Go right by it.
Stop and look at it if you like.
- I would, with you along.
- Good.
This used to be
quite a place.
-It's been deserted for a long time now.
-Will you take me in?
Why, goodness no.
It isn't safe out there anymore.
That's why they
put up this barrier.
It'd be very easy
to step around it.
- What attraction could
there be for you out there ?
- I'm not sure.