Not sharing any more?
All right!
He's new.
That'll teach the young
and remind the old --
Don't be a fool, Dominique.
You're not straight.
Maybe you want to teach me...
...who spent ten years in the galleys...
...how to treat dogs!
You accept that?
No one makes a move?
Not a word?
So you're dogs? Just dogs?
Don't upset yourself.
I'm about to give you a lesson.
There's one too many around here.
Better be careful.
They obey me from one end
of Paris to the other.
You'd be met by men on every street.
If I got rid of you...
You...you wouldn't...
Forget it, Dominique.
Don't be a fool, we work together.
You're not going to...
What? Stomp on you?
I might slip, like on dirt.
Get him!
Get him -- alive if possible!
He won't go far.