Dominique is back!
Is that why you bother me?
Important news, eh?
I keep to my word! Stomp on him.
Wipe him out!
So, that's that. I marry you.
- Thought it over?
- Yes.
I've thought!
Such passion...
Wants to leave
her little husband already?
You can kill me.
Dominique gets his gold.
But it's your gold, my beauty.
It's all here, and all yours.
It's Dominique's.
Poor Dominique.
You'll wait a long time.
That's a lie!
Before he returns,
you'll have grandchildren.
Maybe even great grandchildren...
You dirty dog...
Almost a menagerie!
Go on. You've got five minutes.
Five minutes, or else Louison...
Here's Dominique.
I'm Cartouche.
You're mad coming here.
Do you think
Malichot's forgotten you?
Go ahead. Let him know.
I won't stay, so hurry up.
What's new?
Seen Louison?
Not for some time.