V. KORENEV as Ichthyander
M. KOZAKOV as Zurita
N. SIMONOV as Salvatore
A. SMIRANIN as Balthazar
V. DAVYDOV as Olsen
The events depicted in this film
started with the appearance of
a mysterious, strange creature.
It looked like a human
with fish scales
and huge toad-like eyes.
The fishermen dubbed him
a "sea devil".
One day his footprints
were found on the beach.
The local people claim that
at night he was riding a dolphin,
loudly blowing his horn.
The newspapers reported that
he had drowned a fishing boat,
dragged two young nuns
into the ocean
and swallowed
a pearl diver.
Don Pedro!
The sea devil has struck again!
Such idiotic junk!
Believe me, where there's smoke,
there's fire.