Days of Wine and Roses

Getting back to what people do
for a living, can I ask a question...

...that might embarrass you?
What spec...?
What qualifications do you have for a job
that allows you to sit around all day...

...and chat with the boss?
I heard about your job.

Maybe answer a few personal letters
for him...

...and accompany him to parties?
Spend half your working day reading...
...while typists who get less money
than you do all the work?

That reminds me, I forgot my book.
She always carries that book.
I'll tell you what special qualifications
you have. You're pretty.

That's what you have.
That old lech loves to have you around...

:12:12 look at and lean on.
When he's drunk, like last night.

And who knows what else. That's
what special qualifications you have.

I am sorry, and I shouldn't have said that.
I came up here to try and be friends.
I was gonna ask you
to have dinner with me.

Peanut brittle?
I think you must be the silliest man
I've ever met. Peanut brittle?
