Brandy Alexander, they call that.
Say, now.
Would you wait a minute?
Oh, look, Joe.
It's more beautiful than ever tonight.
- Yeah.
- You know something?
You were right about that brandy thing.
- Alexander.
- About it making me feel good.
- Oh, yeah it would, you chicken.
- I feel wonderful.
You don't feel like asking me up
for a cup of coffee, or-
Some other time, Joe, do you mind?
I'm not ready to go up yet.
Wanna walk down to the Bay?
Why not?
You do very good work.
Well, there goes another boatload
out to the prince's yacht.
Another load of actresses.
I don't see how
you can drink like that...
...right out of the bottle.
It must taste awful.
Well, anything worth having
is worth suffering for. Isn't it?
I guess so.
Oh, I like to watch the water.
If you look close, it's filthy...
...but I like to look further out,
where it's clean.
You know what I think?
I think I watch the water because...
...I expect a sea monster to come up
out of there someday...
...and carry me down to the ocean caves.
Mom and Dad are a club act.
You know, I mean songs and dances...
...and snappy patter.
Old-time vaudeville. They're in some
loud joint in Vegas, right this minute.