Days of Wine and Roses

- Daddy, this is Joe Clay.
- Sir.

Sorry we woke you up, Mr. Arnesen.
Let's go sit in the kitchen, Kirsty.
The kitchen is Daddy's favorite room.
I know this is kind
of a funny time of night...

:33:16 be introducing people, Daddy,
but Joe and I...

Well, I was anxious for him to meet you,
and we were out driving and-

You know how I do things
on the spur of the moment.

- I hope you don't mind us waking you.
- Have a seat.

Oh, thank you.
How have you been, Kirsty?
That's Daddy's way of letting me know
I haven't called him this week.

I've been very busy, Daddy.
- What kind of work you do?
- Public relations, sir.

Public relations?
You know, Daddy, it's-
Well, it's hard to explain.

Well, I suppose you might say my job is...
:33:56 sort of help my client
create a public image.

Well, for an example...
...let's say my client, Corporation x...
...does some good.
Something of benefit to the public...

...or something that could
conceivably be conceived as...

...a benefit to the- Well, my job
is to see that the public knows it.

And what if this x Corporation
does something bad?

Well, theoretically, they don't.
Well, part of my job is...
:34:40 help my client...
:34:44 think of ways to operate in a way...
...that the public would,
you know, approve.

But if your x Corporation
makes a mistake...

...and the thing turns out bad?
