What do you want?
I'll scream. Somebody'll hear me.
This is a dead-end street.
You won't scream.
And I know what kind
of a street this is.
Why don't we go in the house?
There's nobody home.
Yes, I know.
Your sister's staying with a friend,
Louella Hendricks, 206 Palo Alto Street.
She left at 7:23,
and you left for your party at 7:32.
You see?
I do know a good deal about you.
Just about everything
there is to know.
We'd be more comfortable
in the house.
And you could see what I look like.
No, no. If you could identify me,
you might be tempted.
That way we'd both lose out.
You'd be dead...
...and I'd be out $100,000.
- $100,000?
- That's the figure.
If you know so much about me,
you know I don't have any money.
Of course you have.
You've got a whole bank full of it.
You've got me pretty well cased.
Isn't that the word?
That's the word.
Your 16-year-old sister Toby goes
to the George Washington High School.
Her present boyfriend, David...
...picks her up for school
just before you leave for work.