Experiment in Terror

Now, you get a good night's sleep.
Don't worry.

- Thank you. Good night.
- Good night.

Who was that?
That was Mr. Ripley.
- He's pretty interesting.
- You think so?

- Well, don't you?
- Yes, he is.

Do you think this phantom asthmatic
really means it?

I mean, if you cross him,
do you think he'll do something?

Yes, I think he really means it.
But Mr. Ripley and his men
won't let anything happen.

What if they don't find out
who the guy is?

Oh, they'll find out.
The FBl's a very efficient organization.
Yeah, but in time, I mean.
Suppose you meet the guy tomorrow
and he says:

"Okay, Kelly. Tomorrow morning
you steal that 100,000 dollars."

I said the FBl's an efficient
organization, not Kelly Sherwood.

I just follow instructions
and do what they tell me.

- Just like you're gonna do.
- Sure.

That's why you can't forget
for one minute.

I mean, one mistake, one slip--
Hello? Hello?
- Who was it?
- I don't know.

- lt was him.
- I don't know.

- What did he say?
- He didn't say anything.

We just had a phone call.
You heard it.

We're going to bed now.
I left the porch light on like you told me.

Control, this is unit two.
Victim just checked in, going to bed.
