- Hello?
- Good morning, Kelly.
- Did I wake you up?
- Yes. What do you want?
I don't like the way you're talking,
I'm giving you 20 percent
of 100,000 dollars.
- You can afford to talk a little nicer.
- I'm not awake yet.
That's better.
I'm calling to reconfirm
our appointment tonight.
- Eleven o'clock.
- I'll be there.
I hope so. Because if you're not...
...I'll just have to contact
your little sister.
You understand?
Now, one word of warning.
We've got a woman's life in jeopardy.
We hope there won't be any shooting.
If there is,
think before you make a move.
I know these things
move awfully fast sometimes...
...but we can't afford any mistakes.
That's about it, except for the layout.
It's all yours, Rip.
We're placing four men in the club.
There'll be two on the upper floor...
...two on the lower floor.
We don't know if he'll contact you
on the lower floor or the upper floor.
You might not even see him.
He may send
somebody with instructions...
...telling you to meet him elsewhere.
One thing you must remember:
If you contact him...
...we will not move in until
you're a safe distance away. Okay?
- I had another phone call this morning.
- Yes, I know.
Do you think he really
might try something with Toby?
Well, you know, I'd like to say no...
...but there's no way of telling
until we know the man.
- He knows I've been talking to you.
- He's just guessing.
He took a risk that
you'd come to the police.