Girls! Girls! Girls!

- Hello, Mai Ling.
- Hello, Ross.

- Hello, Tai Ling.
- Hello, Ross.

- I'd like you to meet Laurel.
- Hello, Miss Laurel.

Hello, Mai Ling. Hello, Tai Ling.
- They're from the family next door.
- Ross? Robin?

You'd better go in.
- Oh! Not Robin!
- Definitely not.

- Madam Yung, Laurel.
- Pretty name. Sit down.

You, too, Ross.
- String some pea-pods.
- String for your supper!

- Ross got a new girl.
- Shh!

String any peas before?
- You know this one long?
- Forever. 24 hours.

- No harm done yet. How's Chen?
- He's fine.

Chen very fine son. Very scarce.
Ross adopted son. Also very scarce.
Except when in trouble.

Stand in line if you wanna lecture me!
- We help, too!
- We help, too!

Miss Laurel, you are guest.
You can clean shrimp.

Children, dinner time.
Better go home.

- Bye, Miss Laurel.
- Goodbye.

- Bye, kids.
- Bye, Ross.

Excuse me.
Here. I wouldn't want you to starve.
- It's not very filling.
- I've had plenty.

Even if you full,
you hungry one hour later.

You make date with Chinese girl,
same thing.
