What did you do?
Hijack another boat?
- Get 'em unloaded. Fast!
- You heard! Get 'em unloaded.
Sure is a happy one!
You gotta say one thing for him.
He sure...
He sure is! Weigh 'em and load 'em.
That's the last truck-load.
Take it away!
- What's the figure?
- Gross weight.
- And that?
- The day's price per ton!
- What's that sneaky little figure?
- Sliding scale differential.
- What does that mean?
- It means your share is $71.59.
Your differential friend has thrown you
a curve. I make it $103.
- That's without the sliding scale.
- So's our deal.
Bigger load, smaller percentage.
It's standard.
- In the numbers racket?
- Everyone accepts it.
Mr Johnson!
The more I haul,
the bigger your cut.
I was nice when you blew
your first run. Don't push me!