I'm Mrs Figgot.
- That's a name you don't fool with!
- I'm taking my coffee break.
Miss Dodge!
- The penalty for desertion...
- Mr Peabody!
How did you know
Johnson sold the West Wind?
I went to the docks to look for you
and they were taking the sign off.
- Good afternoon.
- Come with me, please.
- May I take your order?
- Two coffees, two salads. OK?
Bring the coffee now, please.
There's something I must tell you.
The man I told you about...
That wasn't the first time
I'd been fooled.
- With you...
- With me, what?
With you it was different.
It wasn't me before, it was my money.
Oh! That's the mystery. You're rich.
- Try to live with it!
- Don't!
- You don't know what it's like.
- No, I don't!
You look at every man suspiciously.
I had to find someone
who'd love me for myself.
- I've been very lucky.
- We've both been lucky, that way.
- Why are you telling me this now?
- I bought the West Wind, Ross.
- Where are you going?
- I don't know.
I'm going with you.
- What have I done?
- Look...
When my father died,
I lived on what people gave me.
Clothes that didn't fit,
toys that had been thrown out.
I thought the food I ate was because
someone had finished with it.