- Dismiss the starboard watch!
- Mr. Scott-Padget...
...will you have dinner with me?
- Starboard watch secure.
- Thank you, sir.
- What about the man injured today?
- Not too good.
I may have to take the leg off.
I'm sorry.
Mr. Scott-Padget asked
if he can return to duty.
- You don't like him.
- I've served with him before.
- When?
- In the Beedle: Bad ship, that was.
Far too much flogging.
There was a man killed.
- Under punishment?
- Yes, sir.
I can deal with Mr. Scott-Padget.
Maybe, sir. Do you know what
happened to the Beedle's captain?
The lordships of the Admiralty broke
him and his two previous captains.
When somebody of enormous power
has a mistress...
...and that mistress has a son, the
son has great influence at his back.
- I see.
- He's a most brilliant young officer.
A future Drake with
a vicious streak and a silver spoon.
Sir, it could be his making.
Good evening.
Can I offer you some Madeira?
- Yes.
- I'll be going.
Thank you, Mr. Goss.
Would you like to know our orders?
We join the fleet at Corsica,
report to Admiral Jarvis.
Convoy duty. Orders say
"with all possible dispatch."
We'll not put in at Gibraltar,
but you'll have time to train.
I hope so. I'd like
to practice gunnery next week.