Take him below, sergeant.
- The English fleet's in the Atlantic.
- I don't believe it.
We may be the only English ship
in the Mediterranean.
- Do you insist on the rendezvous?
- I insist on carrying out my orders...
...which are to escort a convoy.
- A French ship will be waiting.
- I can see it now.
- You've been proved right once before.
Here, I feel you are wrong.
There will be no French ship.
Only the fear of one.
- Sir!
- Listen. They're celebrating already.
- Sir.
- And why not?
There will be plenty of prize money
for all hands with these two beauties.
- Pay attention.
- I've detailed the crews to sail them.
The third lieutenant in charge of
the frigate. Good luck, Mr. D'Arblay.
- A pleasant voyage to Rochefort.
- Thank you.
- You must listen.
- Kellahorn's leading the merchantman.
I've given him a junior midshipman
to assist him.
Mr. Crawford.
Mr. Crawford?
- Take care of that ship.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Get her back safely.
Pull away. Hoist away.
I thought you wanted the boy
onboard with you.
I thought so too.
I made a mistake.
Now I've put it right.