Hell Is for Heroes

You been goofing off again?
No goof. Gets paper.
Not Homer's fault.
Big trouble, fall down.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
Come here, Kolinsky!

What happened this time?
He didn't goof off.
He did what you told him.
He bought the paper and pen.
A jeep...sideswiped him.
He fell in the mud.
He lost the pen.
He looked and looked...
...and turned the mud
upside down...and couldn't find the pen.

Me ashamed lose pen.
- I gave you $3. Where's my change?
- No money. Lose, too.

- That's a crock!
- Crock?

- 1 0 to 1 , he spent it on a bottle.
- No bottle. No drink.

All right, all right, Homer. Forget it.
Get cleaned up, if you want
to see the captain today.

Wonderful! We go see captain, huh?
I'll take him to the fountain
and clean him up...

Hey, Sergeant,
you got a size forty in a field jacket?

- What's wrong with yours?
- It's not for me, it's for him.

- What kind of an outfit is that?
- Bits and pieces. He's not a soldier.

I guess it'll be OK.
- Corby.
- Yeah?

This pen broke down
between "yours" and "truly".

That's a very sexy pen, Sergeant.
Maybe it got bored.

Hey, Larkin. How soon do you think
we'll be going home?

I don't know and Sergeant Pike
don't know. I asked him this morning.
