Hell Is for Heroes

- Any movement?
- A belch from the pillbox.

- What are they using?
- 9 mm, light.

Chances are they've got
listening posts in those ravines.

They'll think
we're a pretty quiet company.

Pike, if they make a push, we're dead.
Yeah, I know.
What about these guys?
- They've all had experience.
- Larkin?

He knows how to give
and take orders. He's a good man.

He'd better be.
- Are you sure you feel all right?
- Never felt better.

- Now I know you're cracking.
- I got a system.

Every time things seem bad,
I think of something worse. Try it.

Not me.
- You have no imagination.
- Trouble is I got too much.

I can imagine when those Krauts
discover there's nobody over here.

Think they heard us?
They just want to say good morning.
It shouldn't last long.

Hiya, fellas!
