Hell Is for Heroes

- That's right.
- Only...which way?

See, I'm due back by five and...
- A jeep like this might come in handy.
- It sure would.

We have this major who makes us
stand reveille every morning,

rain or shine, which gives you an idea...
If we kept it on the move,
it'd sound like a lot of jeeps.

It could sound just like a truck.
Henshaw could rig it
to backfire like a tank.

I'll send Henshaw down.
- Sergeant?
- Right!

- Wait a minute, Sergeant!
- Sorry, we're taking your jeep.

- The jeep?
- For a day or two.

- But this is Major Winston's jeep.
- Combat emergency has priority.

If you take it,
how do I get back to Division?

You don't.
- Corby! Come here!
- Sergeant, wait a minute.

Major Winston will be proud
of you volunteering for combat duty.

But, Sergeant,
I was sent to clerk-typist school.

All I've done in the Army was type.
- We'll give you on-the-job training.
- What's up, Sergeant?

Take this man to that foxhole
and teach him how to shoot.

- With this here? It might get dirty.
- Move!

You heard him. Move!
Here. Audition for me.
If you're gonna hold a gun that way,
make sure the safety's on!

- The safety?
- The lever, just pull it.

Not the... !
