Look, all I've ever done is type.
Oh, yeah. We're Temple Red
and Command is Able Six.
Beyond that, say anything you want.
Like, "Help"?
Go ahead.
Temple Red to...
...Able Six.
This is Lieutenant Driscoll,
the Entertainment Officer.
About the morale, sir,
it's been rather low.
The main complaint seems
to be about the evening movie.
Yes, sir. I've had to show
Road to Morocco five evenings in a row.
The men are beginning
to get a little surly, sir.
Yes, sir, they know all the lines.
And about the amateur...
The amateur hours
are going very well, sir.
We... Sir, could you hold on
just a minute?
Yes, sir, I have a call on the other line.
I'll be right back.
Temple Red, this is Lieutenant Driscoll.
Don't...don't send them up here.
Sir, I have five men in each foxhole now.
I have no room for any more, sir.
Have you tried Charlie Company, sir?
Oh, I see.
There's still a war going on in Japan,
you might send them over there.