Hi, Sergeant!
Bring plenty good things.
Eggs, Calvados, all for you.
- Forget it, kid. You can't stay.
- Please. Give Homer a chance.
- Work in labour camp 1 3 years old.
- Just knock it off!
- Homer, how'd you get here?
- Hitch rides to be with buddies.
We're in a tight spot here.
It's rough enough on guys
with experience, let alone a green kid.
Hey, Sarge,
we were glad to get Driscoll.
- OK. Pass out the extra ammo.
- I do what you say, Sarge.
I'll relieve Kolinsky on the left flank.
He'll show you what to do.
- I do good!
- You better.
Hey, Homer,
if you want to unload anything,
feel free to dump it right in my foxhole.
I'd better go over with Henshaw.
- What say, Homer?
- I got plenty work. I put stuff here?
Sure, sure.
Nothing but vacancies in this hotel.
Larkin not be sorry I stay.
Gonna kill plenty Krauts.
Shoot them all up!
See you later, friend.
Oh, boy! lf you were my son...
Is that right, sir?
Major Winston's jeep? Right, sir.
We'll certainly be
on the lookout for it, sir.