Move him into the pillbox!
Get Driscoll to rip the mike off!
Cut the Kraut mike.
He had a great system, Sergeant.
He just never worried about anything.
- He's still alive.
- Move him into the pillbox.
Homer, Driscoll, give Kolinsky a hand.
Check the bodies
and drag them to the road.
- Cumberly, too?
- All of them.
Any more out there?
Not now.
Think we got them all? No, huh?
I figure two, maybe three, got back.
You think they know
how many men we are?
You'd send one guy back
to report a weak spot, yeah?
As soon as they get that report,
they'll send a platoon.
We'll try to hold them off.
They won't send a platoon if they're busy.
We should hit the pillbox.
They figure it's an attack from here,
they'll suck in.
- And if that pillbox goes...
- ...they'll dig in and wait.