Are you cryin'? Cryin' for him?
Now, what does that mean?
Now, tell me what that means.
Nothin', Pa.
What time did you come to bed?
It was early, Pa.
It wasn't. It was late.
Daughter, I'm only gonna ask you once.
Is there anything for your ma and pa
to worry about?
No, Pa, there ain't.
He'll be back.
I'll see him again.
But you expected to see him this morning.
You know you did.
I don't care. I'll see him again.
You got a growed man to do that?
I did, just like in the book.
Did you get him to say them crazy words?
I told you before, it ain't the words,
it's the sentiment.
You mean he didn't even giggle or nothin'
at such foolishness?
He said it was a real solemn occasion...
...like shootin' the rapids without a paddle.
No matter what he said, he did it just
to get rid of you so as he could clear out.
You know that's so.
And you're lucky he did. Do you want
to live like a squaw all your life?
Go on, say anything you like...
...but I'll see him again. I know I will.
And he ain't got a wife and six kids.
He ain't got a wife at all yet.