How the West Was Won

I told you, no.
I was hoping to make this trip
with a husband.

Nearly got one last week.
Look, I hear there's 40 men
to every woman in California.

Miss Clegg, I'd be willing to pay you.
I don't need money, I need a man.
Any man.
Mornin', ladies.
Beautiful mornin'.
Would you, by any chance,
happen to be Miss Lily Prescott?

Not unless you got a big imagination.
Then, you must be the lady in question.
Cleve van Valen, Miss Prescott,
at your service.

At your every command
from here to California.

Well, thank you,
but whatever you're offering, I don't need.

Perhaps you don't understand.
Yes, I do. I know a tinhorn when I see one.
Miss Prescott!
I'm offerin' you an honest days' work
for an honest days' pay.

Goodbye, Mr. van Valen. Goodbye.
Well, it's been a pleasure to meet you,
Miss Clegg.

May I say I have never seen a woman
with more beautiful hair.

What a prize catch it will make...
...hanging from the waist of an Indian.
Beauty, alone in the wilderness...
...and who's to protect you?
No one.
Not one person
won't be looking after himself.

Good day, ladies.
Good day.
Nobody ever said that to me before.
That I had such... such beautiful hair.
You know something?
