But, Doc, this here is Captain Rawlings!
Captain Linus Rawlings.
- Take him out.
- Keep movin', men.
Why can't you look where you're goin'?
I'm sorry, soldier.
Watch it.
Saw. Brandy.
Get it all down.
Come on, all of it!
Come on. We're just in the way here.
It had been the bloodiest day
of the war on the Western front.
In the morning, it had looked like
a Confederate victory...
... but by nightfall...
... no man cared to use
the words "win" or "lose".
After Shiloh...
...the South never smiled.
You tasted that water yet?
- No.
- Well, try it.
- Tastes funny, huh?
- Yeah.
I seen it before sundown. It was pink.
Pinker than sassafras tea.
You mean...?
It don't seem fittin' a man should have
to drink water like that.
Don't seem fittin' a man should have
to do any of the things we've done today.
Did you kill anybody?
I don't think so.
I got knocked dizzy right off.
Then when I come to and found my rifle,
it was busted.
Then some more soldiers come along
and tried to stick me in the arm.