All the rest is, is mixed up after that.
I ain't killed nobody, neither.
And I don't want to.
- Hey, where you from?
- Ohio.
This fool war started in the East.
What's us Westerners doin' in it?
I don't rightly know any more!
It ain't quite what I expected.
There ain't much glory in lookin' at a man
with his guts hangin' out.
- Where you from?
- Texas.
You ain't a Reb, are you?
Well, I was this mornin'.
Tonight, I ain't so sure.
It seems like, I oughta be shootin' you.
Well, you got anything to shoot with?
All I got's this bayonet.
I got a pistol.
I took it off a dead officer.
Hey, why don't we skedaddle out of here?
- You mean desert?
- I mean, why don't...
Just leave this here war
to the folks who want it.
They say there ain't no war
out in California.
Stragglers, join your regiment.
Stragglers! Hey, you!
I'm planning to move Rousseau's brigade
into this area.
Hidden battery, placed well before dawn.
Do you approve?
I'll approve any dispositions
you want to make.