I'd better be on my way.
Way? Where?
I need you, Zeb.
Only one thing brought me back...
...and she's...
Well, this farm is half yours.
I'm thinkin' we'd finally clear away
that patch of woods down by the river...
You're twice the farmer I am.
You don't need me.
That farm's all yours. That's only fair.
I sure don't feel right about this.
What are you gonna do?
I haven't mustered out yet.
I can still transfer to the regulars.
The cavalry, maybe. And go West.
And have to fight Indians?
You sure are hard to make out, Zeb.
Now, what do you wanna do that for?
Do you like fightin'?
Do you remember the story Pa used
to tell us about fightin' that grizzly bear?
And I asked him. I said:
"Now, why'd you get in such a fix?
"Do you like fightin' grizzlies?"
He said:
"Well, not 'specially.
"I just wanted to go somewhere
and the bear was there first. "
I guess I just wanna go somewhere, too.
- So long.
- So long, Zeb.