How the West Was Won

It ain't gonna stop.
Your treaty's gonna get broken and
I don't wanna be around to see it happen.

Look me up when you get your bellyful.
- Where you goin'?
- Back to the mountains.

To the high lonesome
where there ain't no people at all yet.

So long.
By now the Central Pacific had broken
through the wall of the High Sierras...

... and was straining eastward
across the flatlands of Nevada.

While the Union Pacific,
thanks to its long peace with the Indians...

... was able to keep up pressure
just as avidly in the opposite direction.

The competition was exciting,
but also costly...

... and both companies were itching
to earn money from tracks already laid.

- Did the horses ride all right, Jake?
- No better than I did.

We'll have to rest 'em a day before we can
start huntin' rabbits, much less buffalo.

Let's get 'em to water right away.
You say no buffalo hunter come.
White man, liar.
We scout for you no more!
Not in our lifetime, you said.
And there they are.
The buffalo slaughterers and the settlers.

All right, it's sooner than I figured.
But the railroad's broke.
They need money to keep movin' on.

No people, no money.
No money, no railroad.

- It's as simple as that, Lieutenant.
- What about the Arapahoes?

Take a look at those people.
Half of 'em straight from Europe.
