Hello, Ellie? Look, can you
get a hold of Rita for me?
Good. Tell her I'm canceling today.
No, no. I'll set it up again
for sometime next week.
Thanks a lot.
So long.
My, my. Aren't we domestic.
Yes, very. It's the French in me.
I am an incredible cook though.
Maman taught me.
Well, I'm pretty famous
for my peanut butter sandwiches myself.
I don't know how you men live through
bachelorhood. Must be terrible.
It's great, and I wouldn't have it
any other way.
I guess my dad
set the example for me.
He enjoyed life so much
by not being married.
That is, after my mother died,
he just never remarried...
and had all of his girlfriends to bounce me
on their pretty knees and kiss me good night.
My dad sure could pick 'em.
He still can.
Adam Wright.
You must have heard of him.
He's pretty famous
as a commercial artist too.
In fact, right now he's in Europe painting
the beautiful ladies for a cigarette campaign.
Well, it all sounds
pretty sordid to me.
Maybe you should see a psychiatrist.
Thank you, but I'm happy as I am... free.
Well, I guess
I have to agree with you there.
I mean, who needs the drudgery
of married life?
Still, for a man,
marriage is the ideal state.
No more sinks full of dirty dishes. No more
peanut butter sandwiches. And companionship.
May I remind you that New York is full of great
restaurants, very few of which serve peanut butter.
And for a buck and a half an hour,
all these dishes disappear.
And as far as companionship is concerned,
well, I have a little black book,
and in it are the names
and phone numbers of 111 models.
is the ideal state for a man.
Marriage, little Miss Stacy, well, that's
an institution sponsored by women for women.
When the coffee's ready,
you can bring it in.
I'm gonna set up the camera.
When the coffee's ready,
little Miss Stacy, you can bring it in.
I'm gonna submit these pictures for a
calendar that Goodman Tires is planning.
if I get the assignment,
it'll be quite a feather in my lens.
We'll shoot the month of March today.
Say, how goes it in there anyway?
Oh, I can find everything in here
but the dress.
Well, it's not a dress exactly. It's a...
Well, it's in that little white box in there.