Shut those doors.
Well, where were you... Mrs. O'Leary,
when your cow started the fire?
Fire? Oh, good heavens!
My shrimp!
Uh, I needed some milk
for the cream sauce.
- Chocolate milk on shrimp?
- Uh, yes.
I'll find us something for lunch.
I'm sorry. Don't worry about
it. And forget about lunch too.
We're gonna do some shooting in the park
this afternoon, and we'll grab a bite there.
Say, you'd better get dressed.
Anything you say, boss.
I am sorry.
Oh, forget it.
Seven. Oh, Mrs. Appley,
what a beautiful family.
I told your father weeks ago, when
Mrs. Appley came home from the park...
with that faraway look in her eye,
that our family was expanding.
He just pooh-poohed me, but I know
when one of my own sex has known love...
or trouble.
I need help, Maman.
Make me a clever woman.
You told me once that it takes a
clever woman to make a good marriage,
and I want a good marriage.
Help me, Maman.
There, chouchou.
Now, hadn't we better talk
about Tina and Eugene?
Oh-Oh, it's not Tina, not really.
I know that.
Eugene is preoccupied with her,
but it's more his work than Tina.