If a Man Answers

"Calling Your Dog.
It is important to make sure...

"your puppy associates the words
'Come' or 'Come here'...

with something
that gives him pleasure."

"When he comes, be sure to pet him.
"Any puppy will be eager
to repeat the act...

that brings with it a reward."
Gene? Darling, could you
come here a minute?

Honey, I'm supposed to be the breadwinner
around here. You know how busy I am.

What do you want? This,
honey. I just wanted this.

That all?
Not if you want more.

You little nut. What
are you up to? Nothing.

I'm just hanging a few pictures. I'm sorry I bothered
you. But it did get a little lonesome in here.

It was kind of a nice break.

is this all right,
or does this look better?

Well, uh, let me hold them,
and you judge.

"Remember, praise is very important."
So, how's this?

Oh, Eugene, you've gotten them
just right. Here, let me mark them.

Thank you, darling. You don't know what a help
you've been. I could've never done it alone.

Anytime. Just whistle.
Remember, breadwinner,
you have all that work to do.

Man cannot live by bread alone.
Say, how come you're so much
more beautiful than the rest?

Maman says that if a woman
keeps telling herself,

"I am beautiful.
I am lovely," she will be.

You must talk
to yourself a lot.
