"Your puppy should
never fear the leash.
"But he will if you persist in trying to
drag him unwillingly by the neck.
"At first, let your pet
take you for a walk.
"No matter where he wants to go,
follow him.
"Very soon he will think
going with you is such fun.
You will have no difficulty in taking him...
wherever you want to go."
You're right. This is Saturday,
and you've put in a terrific week's work.
So how's this for service? Breakfast in bed,
followed by lunch and dinner, too, if you like.
This is your day.
If you decide you want to get up and go
out, we'll do whatever you want to do.
- You mean it?
- Anyplace. Anytime.
You lead, my pet.
I'll follow.
Bloomingdale's is just
one block over.
When you decide which pipe you want, then
we can go pick out our drapery material.
Well, honey, Mr. Ritter and I are
going to work out a new tobacco mixture.
Why don't you go on over, and I'll
meet you at home. I'm bushed anyway.
Say, let's start with that batch you
made me last summer. It was quite spicy.