In Search of the Castaways

Ah, but could he not put
the bottle into a river?

And would it not flow
down to the sea, eh?

No, no. Grimpons.
- Grimpons.
- That means ''let's climb.''

It is the French recipe
for the good life.

Whatever you want to do, don't be
afraid to do it for fear of failure.

Don't be afraid
of the beautiful and high mountain

- Let's climb, let's climb
let's climb, let's climb, let's climb
- Let's climb, let's climb, let's climb

Don't be afraid of
the beautiful and high mountain

Let's climb, let's climb, let's climb
Let's climb, let's climb

And if we fall, crash, bang
And die a terrible death
Never mind, we've had the joy
the joy of the climb

Oh, don't be afraid of
the beautiful and high mountain

Let's climb, let's climb, let's climb
let's climb, let's climb

Let's climb, let's climb, let's climb
let's climb, let's climb

Let's climb, let's climb, let's climb
Let's climb, let's climb

Oh, look! Look!
Straight down that valley there.

- Where?
- Do you see it, milord?

A river into which
one might throw a bottle.

- By Jove, yes!
- And an Indian village.

I'd say, this could be just the place,
couldn't it? Have a look, my dear.

Better make camp here tonight
and get an early start in the morning.

Hey, you, make camp.
Stay here tonight.

- No stay.
- Huh?

- What's the fellow talking about?
- Ah, it is not Spanish.

It must be a local Indian term.
Hey, hey, hey.
What means trango peeray?
