May I inquire, sir, as to the nature
of your information?
Oh, well, two years ago,
I was caught in a violent storm
in the Tasman Sea.
We picked up a poor fellow,
badly battered and halfdrowned...
- just off the coast of New Zealand.
- New Zealand?
He said he was from the Britannia
and that she'd gone down with all hands.
He died during the night, and our ship
combed the area the following day.
You know, until I read that piece
in the paper about the message...
in the bottle, I had no idea that
there were any survivors.
But why wasn't the sinking reported
when you reached your destination?
Well, I assumed that it was. I was only
a passenger on the ship, you know.
Heavens. If he landed in New Zealand,
he must've been captured by the Maoris.
I'll report this to the authorities
at once. Osborne!
- I'm afraid it isn't as easy as that.
- Why ever not?
You haven't had my experience
in dealing with our colonial government.
Eventually, you learn to get along
in spite of them.
They talk endlessly,
and they need authorization from London.
You'll be lucky
if they're ready in a year.
But anything could happen
to him in a year. What do you suggest?
Oh, I-I can't afford
to get mixed up in this.
I've told you all that I know, and--
and I've got my own estates to run.
Sir, the lives of three men
are at stake.
I'd like to speak
to this gentleman alone, please.
The trouble is,
New Zealand is not in the Indian Ocean.
There is something strange,
very strange.
I don't care what it is.
I've seen that man before.
- Oh, you're just imagining it.
- No, I'm not.
Anyway, I can't stand people
who look at me like that.
''Delightful child.''
''Gallant father.''
Perhaps it's a good sign that neither
of you take to him...
because it seems that everything else
that you've welcomed with open arms...
has turned out dead wrong.
Please understand I don't wish
to do anything against the law.
-Oh, certainly not.
-But at the same time, I don't intend...
to leave Captain Grant in the hands
of those bloodthirsty cannibals.
So, uh, I appeal
to you as a man with experience...