Journey to the Seventh Planet

Everything we see has been taken
out of our minds.

Svend's forest stream, the apple tree...
something, someone,
has brought them to light.

But who?
Some power or some alien being
we cannot understand.

The lad is resting fine now.
His arm is completely healed.
It should have been frozen off.

I don't get it.
There's a lot of things we don't get.
But I'm glad Karl's all right.
Do you not find it right pleasing to be here,

It is like a beautiful spot
on the Emerald Isle.

Complete with Uranian leprechauns.
Now, me lad, a body shouldn't
make fun of the little people.

Am I right, Commander?
Or do city people like yourself
not believe in such matters?

Faith and begorra, we do.
Anyway, I'm not real city people...
I was raised in a small village in Scone.
Whitewashed houses and barns
with straw-thatched roofs.

And we had our own little people
at Christmas time, Barry.

The Yuletonte.
We used to put some rice pudding
out for them on Christmas Eve.

It was always gone the next morning.
There were two beautiful birch trees
right outside our house.

And I could see the old windmill
from my room.

And on Saint Lucia's Day,
the prettiest girl in the village...

would bring around her special little cakes.
I remember one girl. Her name was Ingrid.
She looked like a queen.
A goddess.
What's the matter?
Don, Barry, get your guns.
Svend, go back to the ship.
