The war dragged on
and became a daily routine...
patterned after the seasons...
a normal life with its pauses...
and even its distractions
Jim received packages from Gilberta
Each time he expected a furlough...
it was canceled
But in Spring, 1916,
he had a week in Paris
Don't marry me to thank me
for a package! We're fine this way!
OK but l'm sure
we'll grow old together
How's Jules?
No news since he married Catherine
l'm afraid of killing him
in the trenche
My love...
l think of you constantly but...
not of your soul,
for l don't believe in that...
but of your body, thighs,
and hips...
and of your belly,
and our son inside it
l've no envelope and don't know
how to send you this letter
l'm being sent to the Russian front
lt'll be rough but...
l prefer it that way.
l'm so afraid of killing Jim
My love...
l kiss you very hard