Jules et Jim

Jules replied:
''Come judge for yourself''
Catherine asked him also
Jim left but delayed the event
of his arrival

He visited several towns
on the Rhine

A Paris paper published his articles
on postwar Germany

He wanted to see
his own major battlefields

ln some spots the fields...
contained so much iron from
the shellin that they were untillable

Jim looked for the names
of his lost comrades...

in the cemeteries that already
the schoolchildren were visiting

Catherine was...
at the station with her daughter
and a look of restrained audacity
and whim

Hello, Jim
This is Sabine
Hello, Mr. Jim!
Jules is anxious to see you
Jim felt like she'd come to the cafe
very late, dressed especially for him

She took him to their chalet
amid some pines by a sloping meadow

- How are the others?
- Oh, the others...
