Are things that tough at the Pentagon?
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
I'd hate to tell you how long it's been
since anybody did that for me.
There was a captain I knew in the army
used to do it for his wife all the time.
How about some eggs?
Yes, ma'am. Just any style at all. Thank you.
- What's your name, soldier?
- Walter Gulick.
You know, as nice and homey
as this place is...
I thought maybe you were a...
- Mrs. Grogan?
- That's what I was getting at.
Well, not yet, Walter.
You see, actually, I'm Mr. Grogan's fiancée.
You haven't told me
why you wanted to see Mr. Grogan.
Well, for one reason,
I could use a job for a few days.
Fresh out of the army and dead broke?
I'm afraid that's about the size of it.
You see, I got in a crap game
with my separation pay...
and it got separated from me, you know.
- How do you happen to know Mr. Grogan?
- Well, I don't really.
It's a funny thing, though,
all my life I've always wanted to come here.
- To Cream Valley?
- Oh, yes.
- I've thought about it quite a lot.
- I see.
Well, I don't want to sound cynical
or anything, Walter, but why?
- Well, I was born here in Cream Valley.
- You're kidding.
Nobody was born in Cream Valley,
except Rip Van Winkle.
And occasionally you see a robin's egg.
My mother and father are buried here.
- I'm sorry.
- That's me and my folks there.
I was only 14 months old
when they passed away.
I was raised in Lowbridge, Kentucky,
with an aunt.
Oh, Kentucky, well.
Of course, my stopping off here
doesn't mean...
that I don't have plans for what I want to do.
All the time I was working in that motor pool
in Okinawa...
I was just looking forward
to the time when I could...
own my own garage in someplace
where I really belonged, you know?
I was just thinking, if Mr. Grogan
could use a mechanic around here...
it would be like coming home.
- You think there's a chance that...
- I wouldn't count on it, Walter.